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Муравьев А.В.
Как повысить эффективность разведки и разработки месторождений углеводородов в Арктике?
How can we improve the efficiency of exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits in the Arctic?
550.853 + 550.84.08 + 553.981.6
Преобладающий тип шельфовых месторождений Арктики - газовые и газоконденсатные (ГК), их доля в УВ запасах составляет примерно 78%. Предложен новый методологический подход к испытанию ГК скважин, который способен обеспечить отбор представительных проб пластовых флюидов в околокритической областии, повысить эффективность разработки за счет увеличения конденсатоотдачи пласта. Реализация этого технологического решения основана не на традиционных попытках разделения фаз, а наоборот - на эмульгировании многофазной смеси, что позволяет избежать эффекта проскальзывания фаз в гомогенном потоке и повысить представительность проб. Альтернативная технология предполагает наличие трех основных компонентов наземного (палубного) оборудования: испытательного штуцерного манифольда, эффективного эмульгатора, установленного на байпасной линии, и многофазного расходомера проточного типа. В процессе испытания скважина выводится на режим, соответствующий выносу пластового флюида с максимальным конденсатогазовым фактором. Затем поток смеси пропускается через эмульгатор для достижения изокинетического течения, после чего пробы под давлением отбирают в сосуды высокого давления, термодинамические условия в которых соответствуют условиям в линии отбора. Многофазные расходомеры проточного типа не требуют сепарации флюида, а их точность замеров в однородной смеси только повышается. Способ отбора проб несепарированной смеси из замерной линии расходомера подходит для опробования ГК и нефтяных скважин и может служить альтернативой глубинному и сепараторному отбору проб. Пробы не требуют физической рекомбинации и могут быть проанализированы в полевой лаборатории. Компактность, информативность и производительность системы создают предпосылки для успешной разведки и разработки месторождений УВ на шельфе Арктики благодаря экономии бурового времени, снижению веса и габаритов палубного оборудования, повышению качества данных и промышленной безопасности работ.
газоконденсат, нефть, испытание скважин, отбор проб, изокинетический поток, двухфазная смесь, новая технология, разведка, разработка, конденсатный барьер, оптимизация добычи, многофазный расходомер, Арктика
One of the most important objectives when exploring the gas condensate (GC) fields is a representative sample collection, composition of which would correspond to the initial reservoir fluid. PVT analysis of reservoir fluid along with core studies provides an understanding of reservoir conditions and helps to increase the efficiency of drilling, development, and production of hydrocarbons. The main problem of sampling when well testing with near-critical fluids (GC and volatile oil) is due to the fact that even a slight depression of the formation can lead to a two-phase fluid mixture, from which it is impossible to take a high-quality sample by usual bottom-hole sampling. Sample collection with a ground (or deck) based separator from a multiphase mixture flow, as well as the non-separative sampling methods, still have a number of serious drawbacks and are largely imperfect. It should be taken into account that in the actual conditions of the field the speeds of the phases (liquid and gas) in the pipe are different, and there may also be some instability of the thermodynamic regime during the operation of the well. In this case, the flow pattern and the volume fraction of the phases can change continuously. Attempts to collect representative samples of a mixture from a two-phase stream are somehow related to phase separation and minimizing errors caused by relative phase slippage. In practice, this task is difficult to accomplish. Composite recombined samples are used for PVT analysis, which can result in additional error and additional time and cost. Here we propose an alternative method for testing the GC of wells in different modes, based not on phase separation, but on the contrary - on emulsifying the multiphase flow to particles of approximately 1 micron in size, which eliminates the problem of particle slippage in a homogeneous flow. This makes it possible to take an unlimited number of high-quality samples directly from the flow line of the multiphase flow meter. At the same time, the layout of the down-hole test equipment (DST) remains traditional, abandoning only the down-hole samplers, and saving the rig time. It can also be possible to abandon the separator and other bulky deck equipment. Just few basic components will be required on the surface: (1) well test choke manifold; (2) multiphase flow meter of flow through type such as the PhaseWatcherVx (Schlumberger); (3) bypass manifold with a gas-liquid flow homogenizer; (4) sufficient number of sample bottles (CSB or SSB type) and a heating jacket to them. Before starting sampling from the multiphase flow meter flow line, the well production must be optimized to the mode corresponding to the removal of the reservoir fluid with the maximum condensate-gas ratio (CGR). The optimal mode must be selected using a choke manifold with smooth adjustment and a multiphase flow meter, which interactively monitors the flow of phases, the CGR value, and pressure and temperature of the mixture. Then the flow of the mixture must be passed through a bypass with a gas-liquid mixture homogenizer installed on it to achieve an isokinetic flow. After that, the fluid samples can be taken into high-pressure sample bottles, where the thermodynamic conditions are preset up in accordance with the conditions in the sampling line. This technology will work perfectly with any multiphase flow through meters since these devices do not require fluid separation, and the accuracy of measurements in a homogeneous mixture is even better. The process of physical recombination of such samples is very simple. Usual conditioning of samples in the laboratory on automatic rocking chair at reservoir conditions for several days to make the sample returned to monophasic gaseous state and was suitable for research in the PVT-cell. Since the sample was taken in the flow mode with the maximum CGR value, the molecular composition of this emulsion will be close to the composition of the reservoir fluid. The same fluid that enters the well from the reservoir passes through the sampling flow line, but in a homogenized mode. The efficiency of obtaining reservoir samples and the process of their physical recombination allows PVT research to be carried out in a field laboratory on a drilling platform to obtain express results and reduce the cost of samples shipment and storage. The proposed method is easy to implement, cost-effective and can solve the problem of obtaining representative reservoir samples of both near-critical fluids and black oil. It can serve as an alternative to both reservoir and separator sampling. The system is much more compact than conventional surface well test equipment; it is more informative offering new opportunities in offshore well testing, particularly on the Arctic shelf.
gas condensate, oil, well testing, sampling, isokinetic flow, two-phase mixture, new technology, exploration, development, condensate bank, production optimization, multiphase flow meter, Arctic

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Авторы статьи:
Александр Владимирович
кандидат геолого-минералогических наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории тепломассопереноса Геологического института РАН
Список литературы:
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МНТ Выпуски 2020 Выпуск №1 Статья #01
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